Wake On LAN

How to Wake up a Synology NAS from an Ubuntu server

I have several NAS servers at home (one for Media, other for Backups…) so in order to extend shelf life, not all of them are on all the day. However, there are some situations in which I need to have access to a server, but it could be off and maybe i’m not at home. In that case, I have a way to turn on the Synology NAS remotely from another server. ...

August 25, 2021 Â· 2 min Â· Yvoictra
Sudo Ubuntu

How to activate SUDO in Ubuntu for a user

The sudo command allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default, the root user. First if all, the user should be created in the system if it doesn’t exists yet. On Ubuntu systems, by default members of the group sudo are granted to sudo command access. Once the user is created, from root user, or a user with sudo access, you have to execute this command to add the user to sudo group. ...

April 18, 2020 Â· 1 min Â· Yvoictra