screenFetch is a software for GNU/Linx which shows information related to our Hardware and our Operating System, including the logo of the Linux Distro it is being used. This is the info screenFetch shows:

  • User Name
  • Host Name
  • OS with Code Name
  • Installed Kernel Info
  • System Uptime
  • List of Installed Packages
  • bash Shell Version
  • System Resolution
  • DE (Desktop Environment)
  • WM (Window Manager)
  • WM Theme
  • GTK Theme
  • Icon Theme
  • Font
  • CPU
  • RAM Usage

Here some examples:

Install screenFetch in any Linux Distro

screeenFetch can be used in a lot of GNU/Linux distros, and mostly all of them have this software in their software repositories. To install it, you have to open the terminal and use this: Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint…

sudo apt update
sudo apt install screenfetch


sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/screenfetch && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/screenfetch

Suse / OpenSuse

sudo zypper install screenfetch

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S screenfetch


sudo dnf install screenfetch


sudo pkg install screenfetch

Add screenFetch on User Login

To add screenFetch on User Login, you should edit the /etc/bash.bashrc file, and add the following line to the bottom:

if [ -f /usr/bin/screenfetch ]; then screenfetch; fi

Sometimes when the CPU is high, this software could avoid to have the prompt in the login, so I have developed a small script to avoid the execution of this software in case the CPU is high (above 80%).

load=$(awk '{print $3}'< /proc/loadavg)

usage=$(echo | awk -v c="${cores}" -v l="${load}" '{print l*100/c}' | awk -F. '{print $1}')
if [[ ${usage} -lt 80 ]]; then
    if [ -f /usr/bin/screenfetch ]; then screenfetch; fi

You could add this little script instead of the first one.

Configure output of screenfetch

It is also possible to configure the output of this software

To strip all color from output:

screenfetch -N
screenfetch -n
screenfetch -L